More Question and Answer for Brazilian buttlift (BBL) Volume 2 with Dr. Kenneth Benjamin Hughes, Los Angeles Plastic Surgeon

More Question and Answer for Brazilian buttlift (BBL) Volume 2 with Dr. Kenneth Benjamin Hughes, Los Angeles Plastic Surgeon

Question: 4 weeks PO BBL and 360 lipo. Aggressive lipo on lower abdomen. Faja caused a crease above belly button. Will it go away?
The crease may soften with time.  This may either be the result of the faja, swelling, or the result of liposuction.  Swelling following liposuction can persist for up to 6 months or longer.  Swelling after surgery can produce lumps and may be normal.  As the swelling goes down, this may improve.  Continue to follow up with your PS.
Kenneth Hughes, MD, ABPS Board Certified Plastic Surgeon
Los Angeles, CA
Question: Bad BBL job 3 years later. How can I fix this?
I will tell you that a surgery can be executed perfectly, and healing can be less than perfect due to any number of factors.  I am not sure how fair it would be to comment without preoperative photos.  There are some individuals who have adherent bands to the underlying fascia, which create the appearance present on your abdomen. Lipo and fat grafting would be reasonable solutions to your concerns.
Kenneth Hughes, MD, ABPS Board Certified Plastic Surgeon
Los Angeles, CA

Question: How much weight do I️ need to lose for best BBL/lipo results?
There is no ideal BMI for lipo and BBL, but I look for one below 32.  Yours is 32.1.  It is best to be within 10 pounds of your goal weight for six months prior to your surgery.  This reduces this risks of complications during and after surgery and enhances results.
Kenneth Hughes, MD, ABPS Board Certified Plastic Surgeon
Los Angeles, CA

Question: 10 weeks post-op. Am I a good candidate for BBL round 2? Will I have new scars or will they use the same to enter?
Having the BBL done a second time is an option as long as the patient has enough fat to be transferred.  You will usually need at least 3 months before getting a revision.  The revision implies that there is less fat than the first time, and scar tissue will make the surgery much more difficult on the surgeon.  The percentage of fat survival in the BBL the second time should be about the same.
Kenneth Hughes, MD, ABPS Board Certified Plastic Surgeon
Los Angeles, CA

Quesstion: Just had my BBL I don’t wanna loose the size of it I love it. What can I do?
The key is to maintain a stable weight with a stable body fat percentage.  This will preserve the result.Recovery from BBL is patient dependent. Much of this depends upon the amount of liposuction performed and the amount of fat transferred. I have observed that between 4 and 6 weeks the buttocks tend to stabilize in volume.  Usually by 3 months, the swelling is minimal and totally resolved by 6 months.  Kenneth Hughes, MD, ABPS Board Certified Plastic Surgeon 
Los Angeles, CA

Question: Will adding a breast augmentation ruin my BBL results? 
This is a very common combination but recovery can be uncomfortable.  I allow patients to sleep on their sides. Lying on your stomach or on your back will create pressure on your butt or breast.  Patients can also rest in other positions as long as the other areas do not receive pressure.  There are creative ways to manage this. For example, my patient coordinator recommends a plastic inflatable with a hole in it (called a lilo), where instead of your tummy, you place your butt, so you can sleep on your back with pillows propping up your neck and head.
Kenneth Hughes, MD, ABPS Board Certified Plastic Surgeon
Los Angeles, CA

Question: BMI over 40 but completely healthy and desiring a BBL. Options? 
There is no ideal BMI for lipo and BBL, but I look for one below 32.  You state that yours is over 40.  A BMI of 35 is probably the upper limit that a plastic surgeon would consider for this procedure. It is best to be within 10 pounds of your goal weight for six months prior to your surgery.  This reduces this risks of complications during and after surgery and enhances results. Recommend that you discuss dietary modifications and an exercise program with your PCP so that you can change the contours of your anatomy as you desire.
Kenneth Hughes, MD, ABPS Board Certified Plastic Surgeon
Los Angeles, CA

Question: How long after Brazilian Butt Lift surgery could I attend my college classes?
Recovery time will vary greatly with the patient and the skill of the surgeon. Most patients can return to a sedentary role within one week.  Strenuous activity can be resumed in 6 weeks.
No magic number exists for sitting without a pillow; you PS's recommendations for sitting after a BBL are the most informed you can obtain.
I recommend that my patients minimize sitting, even with a pillow, for the first two weeks.  If they must sit, every 30 minutes or an hour, they should get up and stand for a few seconds to take the pressure off.   This reduces the chance for fat necrosis. I usually recommend about 6 weeks before sitting without a pillow. After 6 weeks the fat has revascularized, and they will have a very good idea of their final results.  Data collected from the thousands of BBLs I have performed indicates that the average pain or discomfort period lasts from 3 -  7 days, depending upon the amount of fat injected into each buttock. For most of my patients, I tell them that at 6 weeks there is still a great deal of swelling in the abdomen, sides, and back (or wherever the liposuction was performed) and they will only look better in 6 months.
Kenneth Hughes, MD, ABPS Board Certified Plastic Surgeon
Los Angeles, CA

Question: If it’s cellulitis after my BBL how long do I have before it turns severe? 
The risk of infection is extremely low but perioperative antibiotics have become a standard.  There is less agreement about antibiotics for a period of time after surgery, though I still provide them for about a week.   Persistent ache/throbbing, warm, and red areas should always be evaluated by the plastic surgeon to rule out cellulitis. Continue your antibiotics while you await a call or appointment with your PS.
Kenneth Hughes, MD, ABPS Board Certified Plastic Surgeon
Los Angeles, CA

Question: Is it safer to do local anesthesia or general for a BBL? 
Although the procedure can be performed under local anesthesia, this procedure can be extraordinarily painful for the patient. You want the most dramatic transformation possible, and you do not want to be in pain. General anesthetia requires a trained anesthesiologist (I use board certified anesthesiologists) to be present at all times, and to monitor the patient closely (blood pressure, temperature, respirations, etc). 
Kenneth Hughes, MD, ABPS Board Certified Plastic Surgeon
Los Angeles, CA

Question: Will the swelling of my hips go down? 
Follow your PS's post-operative guidelines and be patient.  Things will improve.  Most of the swelling subsides at 6 weeks in most patients, but this may require 6 months or more.  Continue to wear your compression garment; limit your salt consumption, and drink no alcohol.  I recommend that my patient consume 100 grams of protein (protein shakes work well) per day for the first 6 weeks after surgery to promote healing.  
Kenneth Hughes, MD, ABPS Board Certified Plastic Surgeon
Los Angeles, CA

Question: Is it unusual for your butt to itch intensely 8 days following a BBL? 
Itching is fairly common after surgery.  If there is any sign of rash or allergic reaction, that would be something different.  Follow up with your PS to determine if any of your medications could be the culprit.  Keep a positive attitude, and eat/drink enough complete protein to facility wound recovery.
Kenneth Hughes, MD, Board Certified Plastic Surgeon
Los Angeles, CA

Question: Post op BBL and redness - I am so worried that if it I am infection that they fat transferred will not survived. Advice?
 Follow your PS's post-operative course of antibiotics.  Infection following a BBL is a very infrequent occurrence.
Kenneth Hughes, MD, ABPS Board Certified Plastic Surgeon
Los Angeles, CA
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